NorthernLine RPC Community Rules

Welcome to NorthernLine RPC! To ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone, please follow these rules.

1.0 General Rules

Last edited: 04/02/2025 @ 05:36am
  • 1.0 Respect & Behaviours
    It is expected that all members of the server share a basic level of respect for one another, regardless of rank, background, gender, or sexuality. We have a zero tolerance policy on any form of bullying, harassment, stalking or intentional harm caused to any member of the community.

  • 1.1 Doxxing
    Doxing individuals will not be tolerated. Any attempts to share, gather, or “leak” any individual's personal information maliciously, or without their full consent will result in a permanent ban from our community.

  • 1.2 Impersonation
    You must not impersonate or attempt to impersonate any member of the community or apply any role, or callsign to yourself which you have not been assigned.

  • 1.3 Scripts, Hacking & Exploits
    Using any external programs, scripts or in any way abusing any systems in place maliciously will be dealt with seriously, and at moderators discretion. While we do appreciate people presenting bugs, and errors to our team, we do not encourage anybody to actively try to find these issues, or abuse them.

  • 1.4 Links
    Linking to other communities, or any pages not explicitly affiliated with PoliceMP, in any form, will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

  • 1.5 Chain of Command & Complaints
    Members higher up in the chain of command than you should be respected, and their instructions followed, within reason. If a member of staff or someone within your chain of command, in any way makes you uncomfortable, upset or distressed they should be reported.

2.0 Server Rules & 3.0 Roleplay Rules

Last edited: 04/02/2025 @ 05:40am
  • 2.0 Terms of Service
    Follow the FiveM ToS and Community guidelines.

  • 2.1 Driving Standards
    All officers are expected to drive in a legal and appropriate manner at all times unless responding to an emergency call. When responding to emergencies the correct driving methods should be followed depending on the grade of the call. Officers are expected to show the correct manners of driving whilst driving including: stopping at traffic lights, slowing for junctions and not driving off-road. You should never drive the wrong way down a road, even in pursuit or responding to an emergency call.

  • 2.2 Use of Force
    Use of force - force should only be used when absolutely required, this includes the use of the baton, fists, taser, a weapon or a vehicle. Officers must not point weapons at other officers, their vehicles or AI, unless absolutely necessary. Under no circumstances should an officer attack or harm civilians or AI, unless absolutely necessary.

  • 3.0 Acceptable Roleplay
    Always Roleplay as your role. Although this is a game, and we are all here to have fun, a certain degree of professionalism is expected.

  • 3.1 Appropriate Roleplaying
    Roleplaying that has the potential to make others feel uncomfortable is not tolerated. This could include sexual roleplay, racist roleplay, etc.

  • 3.2 Forced Roleplay
    Don't force Roleplay on people. This includes arresting other officers, purposefully involving them in scenes they do not wish to join, or creating major incidents that require a large officer attendance without good reason.

  • 3.3 Fail Roleplay
    Do not fail RP. A car crash from 30MPH to a standstill is likely to cause injury and will almost certainly deactivate your vehicle until it can be repaired. The Police Equipment is heavy and means you will sink if you enter the water. You are not invincible and can not survive massive falls and continue running. Try to always RP your injuries where appropriate.

4.0 Discord Rules

Last edited: 04/02/2025 @ 05:45am
  • 4.1 Terms of Service
    Follow the Discord Terms of Service
    Follow the Discord Community Guidelines.

  • 4.2 Unacceptable content
    No NSFW, violent, or inappropriate content in any chat.

  • 4.3 Chain of Command
    Contact the next higher rank first before escalating issues.

  • 4.4 Unnecessary user/role mentions
    Only mention higher staff when necessary (Chief Inspector+).

  • 4.5 Advertising
    Advertising in chats or DMs is not allowed and may result in punishments.